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Saturday, September 28, 2013

Summer on the Farm

As bonafide residents of Washington state, we claim a summer farm in Minnesota. We are making memories by the buckets full. Welcome to FunLand, USA. 

In case you don't know, in FunLand USA, there's swimming, (complete with the dead man, glide by), driving the 4-wheeler, the electric car, the motorscooter. It's not all fun and games. There are daily chores, like cleaning out the dishwasher, feeding the dogs and setting the table. Emi, Violet and GG came home with me from Washington in July and stayed for a month.
GG got to have golf lessons, Emi learned to swim without a life jacket, so did Ava. Violet learned never to call 911 and they all met a woman sheriff who made a lovely housecall. Lasha and her kids came for a week and Naarah and Jason
Shammai was with us from the end of May until August when Grandpa took flew him home.
  In July, Jada and Levia came for a visit. In August Jason, Naarah and Lincoln and Coolie came...and the nanny, Drielli. We had a wonderful time with all of them here. They were'nt here all at the same time, but through the whole summer we had every grandchild here.
While here, they had art lessons from Great Grandma Mae, we saw Great Grandpa Norm get an honorary degree from UND. 

GG learned to feed the steers and the lambs. She also learned how to drive the 4-wheeler by herself. She also learned to ride the lambs...
But, the lamb bested her!
We enjoyed a full summer of festivals and parades. We worked hard in the garden, GG picked potatoes and Emi and Violet picked the green beans. One day, Grandma even gave GG the ride of her life on the 4 wheeler and we had the cows chasing us! Scary!
One day, we bought a log cabin and had it moved to the farm for a playhouse. Ava, Emi, Violet, Clara, Gabe, GG and Ani all played restaurant in it. It was fun fun fun.
Then there were the naughty times, when we had to line them all up and ask..."Ok, Who did it..." They all said, "Ani."


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