What Are You Up To?

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Sunday, February 03, 2013

I thought I should record my super bowl eating, as that is more important the a play by play of the game, don't you think? And it is really better than their superbowl half time entertainment. I actually did cry in the kickoff ceremony... was really moving. Seriously patriotic and moving.

Before that, I spent the day very productively, updating my 200 Orphanage blog, created marketing materials for two new projects coming online, one in India and one in Kenya.  Plus an update to my 800 name email list...most of whom are involuntarily recipients. I doubt they all get them, let along read them. But get this...my wonderful hosting company only allows 300 emails at a time. So, I have to divide my list and manually select A-H, then... well you know the alphabet. So for three days, I have to do this. Check of by last name... and hit send. SIGH. I need to weed through my list one day this spring. I'm actually glad when I get unsubscribers... at least I know they've seen the email in their mailbox and made a decision to do something!

Well.. anyway... needless to say, I have had a productive day. I was able to watch the PGA... congrats to my favorite high earning tax conflicted golfer Phil Mickelson... he won and I hope he pissed off all the liberals who were mad at him about not wanting to pay 63% of his income to state and federal government.  He deserves a big win... he usually chokes. I was glad to see him pull it off.

I watched most of the superbowl and a movie called The Painted Lady with Edward Norton.. very good by the way. I especially tuned in to on purpose tune out that crazy BEYATCH LIP SYNCER they had on superbowl half time entertainment. Seriously. I with all that gyrating she was doing... gross. Sickening sexualized culture, huh? Please stop the music is all I could scream while turning the channel.

I digress... I started the day slowly... groggy... I swear there's a gas leak in here...I wake up half asleep everyday and it takes me lots of coffee to wake up. Maybe it's because I watch the Mentalist till 2 a.m. every night. Might have to stop that... but it's such a slow moving, boring series... great to fall asleep to. Ok, back to my eating on game day.

This is important because it just shows my obsessive delight over food... and how refined I am becoming in my eating choices! I actually have time to make some unique meals for one. I made a great shredded pork the other day while Linda was here. I used a lovely rub that I found in our cupboard. I slow cooked the pork loin and it became a deliciously (not dry) shredded pork. I've never done that before on purpose anyway. It started with a huge pork loin I bought at Costco and cut it in thirds. Still too much meat... note to self. I slow cooked the (...nice catch Ravens...1st down fourth quarter. 31-29 Ravens) ...1/3 pork loin and I still had another two meals. Linda and I ate it with mashed potatoes and vegetables... so that small chunk o'pork went for at least three meals. So, for all those cooks who cook for one...remember that.

Today, I didn't eat breakfast until about 1 in the afternoon. It's Sunday and I decided not to go to church. I was... as I said, groggy. No alcohol so don't worry. One would think I was really hung over, it felt like it. Although, even when I drank I don't remember being this groggy. So, after lots of coffee... and blogging... I put the shredded pork in the oven to reheat. After about 1/2 an hour, I toasted a piece of pumpernickle bread, spread goat cheese on it and piled on the reheated shredded pork...oh no... I'm not done. I fried an egg (brown organic, noncaged!) in butter and slapped that puppy on top of the pork... I had the sour cream out to plop a dolop on top. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
And then... I ate it.... savored it really, smacking my lips and feeling all satisfied. I'll do that again!

That pretty much held me for food all day, until the game started. As I don't think Super bowl can be watched without chips and dip. I used up the last of the salsa (as I'm cleaning out the fridge for my trip home) and (nice kick Ravens...field goal...BAL by 5) I put a scoop of sour cream on the salsa and ate it with blue corn chips... nummy. Had some green iced tea too... diet. But, it had aspartame in it. Not pleased. But it tasted really refreshing.

Then... it gets better... I savored a lovely chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting piled as high as the cup cake itself. Yes. I did all this eating today and enjoyed every minute. These cupcakes are from my favorite cupcake store in Tempe. The name escapes me... but they are really delicious. I bought four and have been systematically eating them...one by one. (Don't be a hater!) Ok, so after all that, I am trying to decide what I need to eat again... (must have three squares, you know!) I am thirsty, so I suck down some water. Have another cup of coffee...

Now in my recording of Super bowl eating... I am thinking maybe an apple and peanut butter would round out my day of nutrician. What do you think? I worry you think I am losing it... but these are the things old(er) women write about when they are alone in a small condo and haven't left the house all day. Only conversations I've had are texts from Sandy J. and Naarah... a short email from Dennis.

Thus... it's a good thing to be around people, family especially. At least you don't eat all day...
(Almost had a touchdown SF..oh boy... tight game suddenly) So, ok, it's almost 9 at night and my eating is complete for today. I think I'll put on a nice hot tea and settle in for the night. It's been a good day.
 (Ravens won... good for them...)

All done... tea time!


Blogger WorldSplash said...

no Arabic , no normal comments :D

6:30 PM  

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