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Monday, April 09, 2012

No Fear

This used to be a clothing slogan and tag line. For me it's a motto to live by. Grandpa D and I decided to take the boy to the Grand Canyon and the night before my only thoughts were seeing Shammai trip and fall headlong into the canyon. I share my fears to squelch their power over me and was reminded by Big D that the path is six feet wide for the most part and groomed and you'd have to be a complete moron to fall off. As with most of my fears, they are irrational and unfounded. Do you know how much we miss if we let fear control our thought life? So, the slogan worked for hats and shirts for a reason cause it works for life too. Great way to live. No Fear.

So, we had a great time at the Canyon and didn't lose anyone over the edge. I love these photos of Shammai and they depict the day completely.
Our Winter in Zona is almost over. We have been having a wonderful time with Shammai this year. We spend a lot of time with him watching soccer practice, soccer games, taking him to school and helping hm with homework. We go for yogurt after dinner to Yogurtology and he thinks that's a great treat. His big splurge is a small cup of plain yogurt and sprinkles. This boy is delightful. He is so even tempered and easy going that sometimes it's easy to forget he is there. He just goes along and we call him an easy keeper. However, you may not see him but you always know when he's around cause you hear a ball banging against a wall, a door the floor.. he's always bouncing a ball.  I am going to miss him, I may even miss the constant thud of the ball on the floor. It's a good thing we get him this summer.  I'd be really lonely without our Shammy. I love you Shammi... and I hear him reply. "Me too."


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