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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Beyond the Veil

I started this blog a few days before my father in law, Selmer Eugene Hanson passed away early in the morning, January 19, 2012.  Doris, Dennis, Doug and Linda, Greg and Cheri were all at his side as he went beyond the veil. God is good.
Dennis knew instinctively to fly home after hearing his dad was ill with pneumonia and had only a few days left. I have been present when both my grandparents left this earth and obviously when my children were born. It truly is an amazing experience being present while a loved one passes beyond the veil. 
I’ve even had the honor of being present when GG was born via C Section. Now that I think of it, she was the only grandchild I was in the room with when she was born. That was amazing seeing her practically pop out of her mom, be handed over to her dad to cut the cord.
Beyond the veil there’s a world we don’t see or understand, but it is there just the same. 

This week, I awoke very concerned about Naarah, even feared her survival. So I prayed when I lay awake at night, I pray as I went in and out of sleep. This is how it works for me.

Days before Coolidge Arrived

A few days ago, I was thinking about Coolidge and this perfect baby soon to arrive and God's hand in of protection over us. The scripture "We are fearfully and wonderfully made" came to mind. God cares for us, He knows Naarahs Body, he knows Coolidge and all his needs.  So, as we prayed together as a family, Dennis, Jada and Shammai in Arizona on the phone, Adriel, Jason and I with Naarah just before her procedure, (we tried to reach Lasha, but she didn't pick up in time). I read Psalm 139 from the message Bible and we each prayed for the Doctor's wisdom and skill and Naarah's and Coolidges safety.The doctor later said that she indeed had the disease, but everything went as good as it could have.

With all this death and life stuff swirling in my head this morning, and with Naarah in a dangerous situation with her pregnancy... I am sure of one thing: There is only a thin veil separating life and death, hiding a world so vast that it holds not only those who’ve past, but maybe even those yet to come. 
Today, January 16, I will be near my daughter’s side when her 4th child arrives; her second son. This precious boy is my 11th grandchild, my fourth grandson. They are all so precious to me, each one unique and special.

I have been in Washington enjoying my 5 grandchildren. I sleep with one or two a night, which brings me great joy and fulfilliment. Having little arms wrapped around my neck at night, little knees poking into my back brings an odd sense of fulfillment that I can’t explain. My heart fills with Joy when Violet Joy hugs my head early in the morning and says, “Good Morning, Grandma.” And when Emi says I love you grandma with a glee that makes it so believable it thrills my heart.

Even Addy and Lincoln, both under two grin from ear to ear when they see me. It takes work and time getting to know these little ones, as they are each different people and are in development. Their personalities are strong, willful and their inner beings all in place the minute they arrive, even as they are being knit together in the womb.

So we have multiplied our family starting with 6, and we are now with a family of 18, not including pets.

It wasn't moments ago when Naarah woke me after recieving a text that Selmer passed with his loved ones at his side. He lived well and died well.

Thank you Jesus.God is good.


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