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Monday, September 19, 2011

Trip to NY: Cabbie Wisdom

I enjoyed a short trip to NYC for a fund raiser Sept. 15 and was able to reserve time at the 911 Memorial for the 16th. Kelly let me stay at her place and Joey was able to go with me to the memorial. We then had lunch together.

On the way to the memorial and on the way to the airport I got me some Cabbie Wisdom. The cabbies were from Bangledesh and Nigeria respectively. Both have been here in the states for some time, one 8 years and the other 16. I love to ask them how they got here and how they like our nation. It never ceases to amaze me how much insight one can gather in a 30 minute cab ride.

The driver from Bangledesh told me in no uncertain terms that anyone who wishes America would fall in the most economic crises, doesn't know what they are talking about. "If America falls, the world falls."
America is the only nation, he continued, that helps the poor. There are other wealthy nations out there, but only the U.S. helps others. When there's a crisis or tragedy America is always there. He continued and said that he'd love to move out of the city. But, there is opportunity here NY. NYC is a good city for poor people. If you lose your job, you can find another one tomorrow. He also said that the attacks on 911 were bad for Muslims. He's a Muslim. He said now no one listens to a thing they say. The attack hurt everyone.
He also said it's hard for people to find cabs on Friday from 2-3 because all the Muslim drivers are at prayer. Good to know.
This Cabbie told me he just talked to his brother back in Bangledesh the night before. His brother owns a factory that makes t shirts for banana republic and others. They cost $8 to make and they put the price tag on for $90. He asks, "Why can't we make them here in America?" Many people I know would gladly work for less money just to have a job. We should make all those t shirts here in America. People want to work and most of my friends get jobs at minumum wage. Their bosses know they are immigrants, so they pay them less. My friends don't complain because they need the work.

I did like his train of thought... The thought an immigrant would be trying to find ways to put people back to work... that's touching. I didn't have the heart to burst his bubble...The t shirt idea would be great if it weren't for corporate taxes, unions and regulations strangling companies that want to hire. 

My Nigerian cab driver got a chuckle out of Kelly and my conversation in support of the Tea Party as I climbed into the cab. She had just said she supports any third party in the "throw the bums out" mentality that most of us hold today. The driver talked a lot about how Obama needs to resign. He can just say he has to take care of his family and go back to teaching college where all anyone has to do is talk. Everyone wants him to just go away, the cabbie said. He said, "I like that woman on the Republican side. Michelle Bachman makes a lot of sense."

Black people don't even like Obama anymore, he said. It's because he doesn't do what he says he will do. And, he doesn't know what he's doing. He has had enough time to do something, but he won't or can't, he said. Everyone is worse off today. Obama doesn't know how to fix anything, he's all talk. He should go back to teaching college where that's all that is expected of you is talk.

Here are some of the photos of the memorial. A few things touched me here. One is that the names of all the victims, including "and unborn child" were listed. The names were segmented to Flight numbers, Pentagon, etc. even 1993 bombing victims at the world trade center were named.

It's a very simple, but meaningful memorial. Nothing glitzy, lots of gray granite, hard surfaces and the sound of falling water. It's soothing in a way and most of those on the site were respectful, mournful. Many reached out to touch the names of the victims. All were somber, sullen, sad. It's an appropriate reminder of the tragedy. We all remember. We'll never forget.



Blogger Naarski (the Mrs.) said...

very moving. I will go visit rhe 9/11 memorial when I go to NYC

11:29 AM  

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