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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Shammai leaves tomorrow.

Shammai was walking behind me into the house after take out for dinner and says..."Hey Gramma...thanks for having me here this summer." Just like that my heart melted all over the steps. He's been here since June, played soccer, met the neighbor boys, played basketball, golfed, swam, ate, fed the dogs every day, cleaned out the dishwasher, watched movies till late, ate popcorn and rode his bike.

I am a blubbering mess. This big old farm is going to be so empty and quiet without him running around the place. Having him with us this summer has been delightful. He's the nicest boy, so sweet and kind. He misses his mom, but never become morose or moody. He just throws a ball around or well... throws a ball around.
Gumpa is going to be so lonesome. These two sleep together every night. They work outside, they swim every day. They watch movies each night and laugh at the same jokes. It's kind of scary. They are inseparable. They went fishing together and Shammai caught some nice bass. Gumpa actually made promises to take Shammai fishing to Canada with him. Best buds.

Shammai is excited to get back home to mom and to his routine there. School starts for him next week. I am  going to miss him, will need to get out to Arizona early this year. (Will add photos from my other computer tomorrow sometime)


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